Start at Oxford Circus Station
Finish at Piccadilly Circus Station
Fashion and trendy shopping food and drink route
This takes you on a great ‘Eat, Drink and Be Merry’ tour from Oxford Street in the north through Kingly Street, Carnaby Street Heddon Street, and Regent Street before emerging onto Piccadilly and finishing at Piccadilly Circus. It has a wide range of pubs, bars, restaurants, and cafes to suit all tastes and pockets. It also has theatres, amusements and galleries close by as well as being on the edge of the West End shopping district and Soho.
The route is excellent for atmosphere, history, iconic sights, crowds, shops, cinemas, museums, a village feel, narrow streets, and lots of places to eat, drink and be merry.
Morning- This route can be quite busy along most of this route but it tends to be reasonably quiet in the mornings. The best time to explore the route is early morning when the lighting is at its best and few people are around. It is also a great way to discover places for breakfast.
Day - This route will get busy during the day especially from lunchtime onwards
Evening - This route will be busy in the evening.
This 1.3 km route starts on Oxford Street outside Oxford Circus Station. It heads down Argyll Street towards Liberty London on Great Marlborough Street where it turns right and then immediately left into Kingly Street. This street has plenty of places to eat and drink along its length and even more when you turn into Kingly Court on the left side towards the end. This has three floors of places to eat and drink and will exit onto Carnaby Street where the route turns right and then right again onto Beak Street before exiting onto Regent Street. The route goes directly across into a small alleyway and the delightful Heddon Street with its great restaurants before briefly emerging onto Regent Street and then down an alleyway called Swallow Street, with its restaurants, to emerge onto Piccadilly by St James's Church. Turning left will take you back to the lights at Piccadilly Circus past the Dilly Hotel.
See the route at speed (1:34)
Use this to see what the route looks like as if you were doing it at speed and to make you more familiar with what you will see along the way.
Use 'My Google Maps' to explore this route's venues. If you are using a mobile device, the map can help you find the start point for the route, navigate to places of interest, and show your position on the map.
What to see and places to eat, drink and be merry.
What to See List
1 Argyll Street and the London Palladium
2 Liberty London
3 Carnaby Street
4 Kingly Street and Court – For food and drink
5 Golden Square
6 Heddon Street
7 Savile Row
8 Regent Street Shopping
9 Café Royal and Glasshouse Street
10 St James’s Church
11 Piccadilly
12 Piccadilly Circus
Around Regent Street - Pubs and Bars
Around Regent Street - Places to Eat
Around Regent Street - Things to Do
This gallery provides a descriptive and visual reference to many sights along this route. Double-click to see the image in full size.
From Oxford Circus to Carnaby Street
Along Regent Street
Around Piccadilly Circus
Click on the picture below to go on a 360 virtual tour of the shopping areas and look around.
Use the route to explore this location by looking around in 360, taking in the sights and sounds, listening to an audio recording about the area and going on a virtual tour.
Browse the gallery to find out what you can see along the way.